
また、火力・水力発電部門でも国内各地の多数の発電所をはじめ、世界40カ国以上の国々で、 日々の生活に欠かすことのできない電力を供給するため、弊社の軸受が活躍しています。

Any facility associated with nuclear power generation demands perfection in quality at all times. Our white metal bearings are used in their turbines and generators. Also, in the fields of thermal and hydroelectric power generation, our bearings are on active duty every day, contributing to the supply of electricity so important for daily life not only in many of the power generation facilities all over Japan, but also in more than 40 countries around the world.

  • © 東京電力フュエル&パワー(株)
  • 川崎火力発電所701Jガスタービン